How to Use SEO for Lead Generation
(The lead generation video above is important to generating the right prospects closer to ‘buy now’ portion of the funnel)
In the lead generation digital era, most people are searching and ordering products and services online. To respond to the upward shift in online shopping, most businesses are moving their operations online to maintain their market share and competitive advantage. While moving online is a great step for any company, it doesn’t guarantee immediate success to their respective owners.
To reap the benefits of going online, you must capitalize on SEO marketing and lead generation. With SEO marketing, you will increase the influx of traffic to your website, while lead generation will captivate the customers’ interest in your business, increasing the chances of their conversion.
This guide discusses how well you can utilize SEO to increase the number of website visitors who are likely to close deals with your business (leads) other than the general traffic. Read through it.
Audit Your Website
If your business has been online and the sales have not been good, perhaps there could be a problem with your landing pages. Auditing your website will help you to identify which pages are performing well and those that need improvement. Fortunately, there are many website crawling tools to help you with Crawling your website. CLICK HERE to use our free NO-hassle SEO Site Audit.
For instance, tools like Cyotek WebCopy and Screaming Frog will let you do whatever crawling operation you wish. You can use them to identify poorly crafted content and then optimize it with keywords, backlinks, and proofread to increase its ranking potential.
Test Your Website For Speed
Typically, slow loading pages are coupled with high bounce rates and poor user experience. They can be the number one drawback to achieving your lead generation goal. Testing your pages for speed will help you identify the slow pages and optimize them for speed.
Tools like Google’s Page Speed Test will not only help you identify the problematic pages but also suggest the viable ways to achieving a ‘cheetah website.’ Since the search engine crawlers consider the page loading speed as one of the ranking factors, optimizing your website’s loading speed will increase its chances of ranking on the top of SERPs. Another great free site diagnostic is GTMetrix. We clean up these reports in the SEO tech side of what we do.
It will also improve the user experience, and hence the likelihood of getting returns prospects.
Capitalize On Keyword Research For Lead Generation
Before buying, customers will always search for products online by entering their keywords on the search bar. After entering the keywords, the Google crawlers, in turn, use these keywords to find the most valuable and relevant content to answer the searchers’ query.
If the content in your pages meets the criteria and has keywords that fulfill the searcher’s intent, the crawlers will position them among the top pages in the search engine results. That said, leveraging keyword research will not only boost your ranking but also connect to the most relevant customers.
Wondering which keyword research tool to use? Semrush Magic Keyword Finder can do wonders for you. If you can’t afford the premium keyword finder above, you can analyze your keywords using free tools like UberSuggest.
Note: crawlers will easily crawl your keywords if featured among the first words in titles and meta-descriptions. So mind where you place your keywords.
Capitalize On Backlinks
Backlinks make a crucial ranking factor for websites. They are created when websites in the same niche or with related content link to one another. Having numerous inbound links pointing to your website proves the credibility of your page’s content to search engines.
The use of inbound links and the right keywords will make your site rank. Ranking well will subsequently lead your target audience to your website.
However, not all inbound links can qualify your web pages for top ranks. Your inbound links must come from credible websites with high domain authority to appeal to the search engine algorithms.
Do not try to buy the links or try any other black hat link-building technique. If you do, the search engine algorithms will detect the links and penalize your website for violating the standing Google guidelines.
Instead, capitalize on the best backlinking practices like guest posting, doing niche edits, and so on.
Use Behavioral Analytics
While attracting your website traffic through SEO is essential, following up on what the visitors do on your website is equally important. Assessing your onsite traffic experience will help with the visitors’ interest areas and then use such insights to adjust their areas for greater engagement.
Improving the onsite experience will increase your return visitors and hence conversions. Luckily, you can use varieties of behavioral analytical tools, including Fullstory, Hotjar, and Mouseflow, among others.
The IP detection software can also help you follow up the visitors to your website, the keywords they used to navigate your website, and the content they interacted with. The resulting information is essential as it can help you drive more leads to your site.
Lead Generation Article Conclusion
The above SEO techniques can help maximize the generation of leads to your site. However, the strategies work hand in hand influence the crawlers to rank your site on the top of SERPs and boost your lead generation through clicks. So you must be prepared to use the above aspects as a unity to reap maximum benefits.
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