In this podcast episode, discover Los Angeles’s own Seth Silver, who specializes in luxury branding for the food and beverage industry. He runs a super cool creative marketing agency in the US.  Learn about his full-service boutique graphic and digital creative design company for and not limited to, top restaurants, in this interview!



In this episode with Seth Silver of Silver Creative Studio in Los Angeles, we go over:

  • Tell us what your company does at a high level for your clients,
  • Why did you pick the food and beverage industry?  What got you into that niche?
  • Snoop Dogg is getting into the food and beverage industry?!
  • Did you ever work for somebody else, or have you always been an entrepreneur?
  • What are the top two things that you look for in a business partner?
  • How have your lead generation strategies changed over the three companies that you’ve owned?
  • What are your thoughts on SEO vs social media?
  • Where can people find you Seth?

CLICK HERE for the podcast episode link, in case you want to listen to the interview.  CLICK HERE if you want to download the video transcription as a PDF file.

Here’s where you can find Seth Silver at Silver Creative Studio online…

His creative service offering to the food and beverage industry includes:


  • Branding
  • User Experience
  • Motion Graphics


  • Commercial
  • Lifestyle
  • Conceptual


  • Social Media
  • Video Production
  • Web & Mobile


About EnFuegoMedia & Lead Generation SEO Services…

We are media and company growth strategy specialists.  How we can help your business: